Hair care facts & tips
The following hair care facts in this writeup have come a long way; once not so long ago we viewed our tresses as nothing more than an afterthought. Fast forward and a few decades later, hair care is a multiple billion dollar industry and an integral part of our grooming and self care routine. As expected, the unprecedented growth of this niche also gave rise to numerous misconceptions, myths and half-truths about the dos and don'ts of proper hair care. While some of them are downright misleading others can be a tad bit hilarious and always make for a good laugh. Either way, these facts about hair care should debunk a good number of them and, simultaneously, lay the correct groundwork for the best ways of keeping your mane or crown in excellent health.
Hair Care Facts and Myths
Your hair defines your style, level of sophistication and fashion sense more than anything else. It is, therefore, not surprising that there are a gazillion hair care facts and myths (some grossly misleading) floating around - after all, this is a very significant part of our daily grooming routine. If anything, apart from your skin and scent, your hair has the next biggest impact on the kind of first impression that you have on others. We are inherently wired to associate lustrous and healthy-looking hair with great genes and people will rarely forget the person who turned up for a meeting or a party with unkempt or shabby-looking hair.
The next fun hair care facts will show you just how badly you have been treating your tresses and, hopefully, help you do better from now on.
1. Your Hair is Made in the Kitchen
What you eat on a regular basis has a huge bearing on the state and healthiness of your hair. A balanced diet with the right sprinkling of micronutrients for sustaining proper growth of the cuticles is necessary if you want to have and keep a long and lustrous mane. That's why experts recommend supplementing your diet with Wellabs Biotin and Collagen drops to fill those dietary gaps in your nutrition profile that could be holding you back from sporting your dream hair.
If you're struggling with hair loss or thinning due to high levels of dihydrotestosterone, Wellabs DHT Blocker hair growth supplement may be the solution you're looking for. This supplement contains ingredients such as saw palmetto, iron, and zinc that have been shown to inhibit the production of DHT and promote hair growth. By incorporating this supplement into your daily routine along with a balanced diet, you may be able to achieve stronger and healthier hair.
Here you can find more supplements for hair, skin and nails.
2. Stop Brushing Wet Hair
It's very tempting to brush your hair straight out of the shower - it's something we do more times than we would like to admit. And it's understandable. After all, regardless of the texture or length, our hair feels easiest to brush when wet and the curls look like freshly conditioned silk begging us to run a comb quickly through it. Unfortunately, this does more than good. Research shows that hair strands are almost three times weaker when wet compared to when completely dry. Brushing or combing it when wet just makes it easier to break your tresses and, if done repeatedly, can precipitate hair loss.
3. Get Rid of Cotton Pillowcases
No matter their thread count, cotton pillowcases are not for the long-term healthiness of your hair - period. The closely meshed threads from the cases can snag your tresses and break them as you turn in your slumber. Replace them with silk or satin pillowcases if you wish to have longer hair that is less prone to breakages.
4. Condition your Hair but Shampoo your Scalp
This is one of the few hair care myths and facts that even experts and manufacturers of shampoos can hardly agree on. It turns out that the current modus operandi of lathering our locks from ends to roots is not just a waste of shampoo but also damages the hair progressively. You see, conventional shampoos contain abrasive chemicals that are good for stripping away the grime and dirt found at the hair's root ends. However, it can make the hair weaker if used excessively on it. The conditioner, on the other hand, is tailored to detangle and moisturize your hair but leaves behind an undesirable greasy veneer if used on the scalp, not to mention makes the locks appear limp. Bear this in mind the next time you are in the shower.
5. Avoid Blow Drying and Heat Curling your Hair
Using dryers, straighteners, curling irons and other heat styling processes may seem like a normal aspect of regular hair care but it is, in fact, quite damaging and injurious to the long-term vitality of your mane. Normalize letting your hair dry up by itself rather than blowing hot air and steam into it as this compromises its structural integrity.And if done too often, it can break your strands or make them appear frizzy. Heat styling, on the other hand, should be reserved for special occasions only. Actually, the less regularly you do it, the better it is for your hair in the long run.
6. Stop Sun-Highlighting Your Hair
It's all too common and 'normal' for people to sun highlight their hair in the summer by squirting some lemon into it and letting the UV rays do the rest. While this may seem like a fun way to mark the jamboree and carnival of the warmest months of the year, it is actually quite detrimental to your tresses' health. If you really have to highlight your mane, it's best to seek the services of a professional stylist who will be able to have the same look but through a more controlled process while minimizing the chances of inadvertently damaging your hair while at it.
7. Rinse Before Dipping
Always soak your mane with ample fresh water before jumping headfirst into the pool or ocean this summer. Wetting your hair like this tempers and neutralises the harsh chlorine or mineral salts that could penetrate your tresses and strip away essential oils from them. It also makes it less likely that the abrasive pool/ocean water will make your hair look frizzy afterward.
Facts on How to Keep Care of Your Hair When Just Got Cut
They say a change is as good as a rest, and sometimes you have to take a step back for you to make two steps forward. Nothing epitomizes this adage better than cutting your hair short to give it a chance to grow back without the frayed edges, fatigued cuticle and over-processed ends. Nonetheless, you still need the following facts on how to keep care of your hair when just got cut for you to have the best shot at regrowing beautiful mane months from now.
Here's a quick primer to that.
1. The Conditioner and Shampoo are Still as Important
It is easy to assume that you longer have to shampoo and condition your hair now that you have shaved your locks and trimmed your tresses. But nothing could be further from the truth. According to leading trichologists and haircare experts, your hair and scalp are most vulnerable after a trip to the barber. A dab of shampoo followed up by touch moisturizing conditioner is still needed to give the roots the best chance of growing out as healthily as possible. Aside from basic cleanliness, shampooing and conditioning your freshly-shaven or trimmed head is also a great way of infusing the much-needed hair nutrients to the now-exposed thirsty roots.
Speaking of nutrients, you need ample zinc to give your hair roots the best shot sprouting out and growing faster and longer without breakages. For this, we would recommend these zinc drops to supplement what you could be missing out from your diet.
2. Keep the Sun, Sleet or Rain Away from Your Scalp
It is easy to underestimate the immense role that our hair plays in keeping the skin underneath (aka the scalp) protected from the elements. Not only does a head full of hair keep our scalps warm but also shields the sensitive underlying skin from the sun's harsh UV rays. Now that you have less hair on top of your head, you may want to invest more in hats, fedoras, beanies or hoodies to keep the sun, rain or snow out. Remember to throw in some sunscreen too if you'll be out in the sun for more than 20 minutes.
3. Detangle Frequently
Depending on your hair texture, it's likely that you'll find that your new shorter hair tends to curl into tight knots than the previously longer tresses. And this kind of tangling can accelerate breakages and hinder a fast regrowth - which is what we are trying to achieve here. That's why it is imperative to get into the habit of detangling your cut (and regrowing) hair as frequently as possible using a wide tooth comb and a leave-in conditioner to add some slip and nourish the edges. As reitalated earlier, don't use a brush to detangle or work on your hair while it is still wet.
4. Don't Overstyle and Overprocess Your Cut Hair
It is tempting to try new hairstyles now that you're no longer held back by the longer mane or restricted by it. However, there is a limit on how far you can take your no-holds-barred approach. Remember that the whole idea of shaving or cutting back your hair is to give it a chance to grow back stronger, healthier, and better-looking. Styling and working on your new shorter hair excessively is the exact opposite of this, not to mention that it can precipitate breakages and hair loss now that your scalp is more exposed. Instead, take this season and give your hair that much-deserved break by exploring styles that require very minimal processing, if any at all.
5. Moisturize Your Scalp and Hair Nightly/Daily
Depending on how short you have decided to trim your hair, you may want to moisturize your scalp and roots a little more oftenly than you used to while you had your mane in full bloom. The reason is simple - an exposed scalp is more likely to get dehydrated than one is always covered by hair. And without the right scalp conditioning, the chances of your hair growing back stronger and healthier are slimmer and less likely than when it is properly moisturized. That being said, be cautious not to weigh it down unnecessarily with butters and oils.
Tips to Take Care of Hair in Summer
The sun is out again, temperatures are soaring and the birds are chirping but is your hair protected? The following summer hair care tips should come in handy because just as the sun can easily wreak havoc on our skin, it can take a mighty toll on our tresses too. It's not surprising that most people get to the fall with hair that feels and looks fried. But you don't have to be part of the statistics thanks to these easy tips to take care of hair in summer.
1. Protect your Tresses from the Sun's UV Rays
Make a habit of switching to hairstyling products (the gel, spray or cream formulas) with UV rays filters in the summer. It may not seem like much, but these products go a long way in shielding your hair strands from progressive sun damage as the summer wears on. Besides, it stops your color-processed hair (if you have dyed hair) from fading and looking worn out. It goes without saying that you shouldn't step out of the house without a wide-brimmed hat at the height of the summer. Apart from shielding your strands from the scorching and unforgiving UV rays, it will also keep them from reaching and scalding your scalp, neck and ears.
2. Get a New Moisturizing Conditioner and Shampoo
Now that you're spending more time outdoors , it's also likely that you will be washing your hair more oftenly in the summer - thanks to the extra heat, pollen or dust in the air. As such, it is prudent to switch to a gentler and less abrasive shampoo and conditioner whenever you are in the shower. Don't forget, also, to deep condition your tresses at least once a week. This is actually one of the most important hair care tips for dry hair in summer.
3. Regular Trimming and an Anti-frizz Routine
As one of the tips to take care of hair in summer, it's advisable to start the hottest months of the year by getting a haircut to discard out those split and frayed ends. Besides, this is also a good way to refresh your style without worrying about growing it back in time - after all, research shows that hair will grow three times faster than in the frigid winter months. Drop a drop of anti-frizz oil or two while at it. A serum to smoothen it out and add body plus shine wouldn't hurt too.
4. Get a Summer-friendly Hairdo
Let's face it; these are some of the most humid months of the year. There's no avoiding frizz no matter how meticulous and superfluous your natural hair care summer tips are. But this does not mean that there's nothing we can do about it, especially if it involves how we wear our hair during these high-humidity months. Speaking of which, an easy go-to hairstyle such as a high bun, slick pony or side braid should do the trick.
In Closing
Haircare, just like skincare, ought to be deeply ingrained in our grooming routines. The approach is actually very simple - start from the inside out. As we have seen from these hair care facts, the easiest way to grow an attractive mane is to know what to eat and how to condition our scalp in preparation for better hair days.
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